Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New horse owie

Lena has managed to cut the back of her left front foot somehow. It's a vertical cut by the bulb of the hoof. She was probably - sorry - horsing around in her pen when she did it and keeps opening it up the same way, but I'd like for it to heal!

It's been about a week, maybe longer, and it starts to heal, but then she opens it up again.

It doesn't look fungal or anything, so I don't think it's Scratches. It's just weird. And it's in a sensitive area, so we've actually called Dr. Leslie to see if she think she should come out.

She's not limping on it or favoring it, so hopefully it's nothing serious.

1 comment:

Joy M. Drennen said...

I already left these questions in the O'Reilly email box, but maybe you're still working at home.

What is Scratches? Where is the bulb of the hoof?

Glad you called the vet. Can it be wrapped up after applying antibiogics?

Love, Mom