Thursday, August 24, 2006

Huckleberry Finn goes to a birthday party!

Huckleberry Finn is 15 months old. I've had him since he was a puppy. We do everything together including going to work, attending yoga classes, and going to the barn. Earlier this week he went to his girlfriend's birthday party! Huck and Laika have lots of fun together and have been stead fast friends from the start!


Terrie said...

What the blogsphere needs is off-trackbacks!

Jessica Boyd said...

Um... let's see... Huck has a spot, he has four legs, and he likes to hang out at the barn?

I thought briefly about changing the name of the blog or starting a new one, but do you know if you Google "spotty horse," our blog comes up as the top two listings?!

Besides, I changed the tagline to include other four-legged, not-necessarily-spotted creatures.